Our committee requests you should upload on "my page" of USE2007 website after making your account.
We will ask all participants, who wish to present a proceeding at USE2007, to send us both final versions of the MS-Word (.doc) and PDF (.pdf) files for your proceeding in the style-file of our proceeding book.
All authors should submit the same abstract ONLY ONCE electronically. Any request of change or amendment of proceedings is acceptable before Fri. Aug. 24, 2007. They are requested to use standard MS-Word and PDF files. The template file is given below as MS-word file (.doc) (You should convert .doc file to .pdf one).
Template file is revised new one. (August 17, 2007)

- The principle author has to pay the registration and reprint fees before Fri. October 5, 2007.
- The applicant for the young scientist award should inform on the my page.
- The deadline for proceedings is Fri. Aug. 24, 2007.
Guidelines for a proceeding
* Page Limit: 2 page.
* Page Size: A4 paper.
* All other instructions are given in the template file.
* Attention: Color figures are not available in an abstract book.
In the following cases, the paper will be withdrawn from the program.
- A manuscript does not confirm these instructions.
All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) Symposium on ULTRASONIC ELECTRONICS