Modified: Thursday, 2008-07-31
JJAP Paper Submission
Previous USE

Instruction for Speakers

For Oral Sessions

Time assignment including discussion is as follows:

Regular: talk 10min + questions and answers 5min = 15min.
Invited: talk 35min + questions and answers 10min = 45min.

For oral presentations, a digital projector (an LCD projector with an D-sub15 connector) will be provided. Should be recommended to check if your PC works fine with the projector before the session.

If you request to use other presentation style, send e-mail to us until the ending of October.

For Poster Sessions

All English poster sessions including discussion will start from 13:50~16:20. Should be posted during 10:00~12:00 before your poster session, and put off your poster just after session closed at 16:20.

The maximum size of poster panel is 98 cm high x 140 cm wide as the figure below indicates. The paper title, author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s) should be printed on the wide paper and posted on the panel. Please be ready for discussion in front of your board during the session. (odd program numbers: 13:50~15:05, even program numbers: 15:05~16:20)

Photograph image of poster session

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