Sponsored by
USE2008 Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics
Organizing Committee
Co-Sponsored by
The Japan Society of Applied Physics |
URL: http://www.jsap.or.jp/english/index.html
Cooperate by
The Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers |
URL: http://www.ite.or.jp/eng/index.html
The Marine Acoustics Society of Japan |
URL: http://www.masj.jp/English/index_e.html
The Japan Society for Precision Engineering |
URL: http://www.jspe.or.jp/english/index.html
Ultrasonic Manufacturers Association of Japan |
URL: http://homepage3.nifty.com/usmaj/# (Japanese Only)
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan |
URL: http://www.iee.or.jp/index-eng.html
The Institute of Electronic, Information and Communication Engineers |
URL: http://www.ieice.org/eng/index.html
Acoustical Society of Japan |
URL: http://www.asj.gr.jp/eng/index.html
The Chemical Society of Japan |
URL: http://www.chemistry.or.jp/index-e.html
JSPS 150th Committee on Acoustic Wave Device Technology |
URL: http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-soc/main.html
The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers |
URL: http://www.jsme.or.jp/English/
The Japan Institute of Metals |
URL: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jim/index-e.shtml
Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering |
URL: http://www.asas.or.jp/jsmbe/ (Japanese Only)
The Japan Society of Ultrasonics in Medicine |
URL: http://www.jsum.or.jp/jsum-e/index.html
The Japanese Society for Non-destructive Inspection |
URL: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jsndi/english/homepage_Eng.html
The Physical Society of Japan |
URL: http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jps/index_e.html
The Spectroscopical Society of Japan |
URL: http://www.bunkou.or.jp/ (Japanese Only)
The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry |
URL: http://www.jsac.or.jp/indexeng.html
Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers Association |
URL: http://www.jaima.or.jp/english/index-e.php
IEEE UFFC Society Japan Chapter |
URL: http://www.ieee-jp.org/japancouncil/chapter/UFFC-20/uffc_e.htm
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