Instruction for Speakers
For Oral Sessions
Time assignment including discussion is as follows:
Regular: talk 10min + questions and answers 5min = 15min.
Invited: talk 35min + questions and answers 10min = 45min.
For oral presentations, a digital projector (an LCD projector with an D-sub15 connector) will be provided. Please be sure to check the compatibility of your PC with the projector before the session.
The USE 2008 steering committee will also prepare a PC (OS: Windows XP, Application: Power Point 2003) for your presentation. So you can use the PC by uploading your file for presentation from your USB memory stick. Please be sure to check the compatibility of your file with the PC before the session.
If you would like to use an overhead projector, please send an e-mail by the end of October to:
(Replace '(?at?)' with '@'.)
For Poster Sessions
The maximum size of the poster panel is 1200 mm high x 850 mm wide as shown in the figure below. Include the paper title, author(s)' name(s) and affiliation(s) with large point size at the top of the display. During the session, please stand by your poster to answer questions.
A table (1800 mm wide x 600 mm long x 700 mm high) in front of each poster board is provided. (Power source is not available).

Photograph image of poster session
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