The 43rd Symposium on UltraSonic Electronics

JJAP Papers

Those who submit a manuscript to the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) Special Issue should do so via the Web-based system by November 16, 2022.

The address for the submission to the Special Issue is different from that for regular issues and is given below.
Please do not submit your manuscript to the regular issues.

Publication from IOP system

The JJAP special issue of USE2022 will be published through the IOP system, ScholarOne Manuscripts System, which will cause changes in the submission and publication process from the previous system. Click here for more information.

Guidelines of JJAP

  1. Guidelines of JJAP
    • The paper submitted for the special issue should not be identical to the proceedings paper distributed during the conference. The content of the paper should be original.
    • The submitted paper will be reviewed on the basis of the JJAP standards for an original paper. Not all papers submitted will necessarily be accepted in the final review.
    • If the manuscript is not accepted for publication in the special issue by the deadline for the final revision, the review will be aborted. However, the manuscript can be newly submitted to regular issues of JJAP.
    • The authors of invited papers are also welcome to submit their presentations as a review paper, which will be reviewed on the basis of the JJAP standards for a review paper.
  2. Guideline for Authors, Style guide, Publication charges
  3. Authors
    It is strongly requested that the author names shall be identical to those in the proceedings paper presented at the USE2021, including the order of authors. If you have an adequate reason related to the revision of the contents from the USE paper, alternation of the authors is acceptable. But, even in such a case, the first author must be the same as the original USE paper. If you need to change the first author, you can submit the manuscript to the regular issue.
    Note that the same person cannot be the first author for multiple papers in the special issue.
  4. Submission guideline of Japanese Journal of Applied Physics was modified. Proceeding paper of USE2021 must be cited in the JJAP paper. Also, in order for the submission to be regarded as an original contribution, at least one of the following must be added as a new material in the JJAP paper:
    • New data that were not disclosed in the already published article.
    • More comprehensive explanation of the basic theory and/or detailed derivation of formulas and equations.
    • More comprehensive analysis of the data and/or more in-depth considerations or new interpretations of the results.
    Simply adding more sentences and brushing up expressions in the proceeding paper is not sufficient.
    The inclusion of new materials is mandatory.
    Details appear in
  5. The copyright for all contents in the Symposium Proceedings belongs to Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics Organizing Committee, and one cannot use any contents in the proceedings without permission. However, when authors of the proceedings use figures and tables in their proceedings paper for their corresponding JJAP special-issue (Ultrasonic Electronics) paper, the authors can use them without permission. In this case, however, the authors must cite the proceedings paper in the JJAP paper.


Please access the Web-based submission system for JJAP Special Issue.
(You need to log-in, move to the Author Page, and begin the submission.
You will find the pulldown menu “Select Special Issue”,where you need to select “Ultrasonic Electronics”.)
URL: https://mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/jjaps-jsap

About USE Special Issue

To fully exploit the past achievements in this field published in the JJAP Special Issue -Ultrasonic electronics, as well as to provide appropriate evidence for the novelty and originality of the new contribution, authors are advised to cite many references from the Special Issue. In particular, the latest achievements published in.

are expected to be most closely related to new contributions.
A JJAP online search is provided by IPAP at http://iopscience.iop.org/1347-4065/
Lists of tables of contents for previous Special Issues of ultrasonic electronics in JJAP can be accessed here.

About reuse of figures and tables of the Proceedings Paper

The copyright for all contents in the Symposium Proceedings belongs to Symposium on Ultrasonic Electronics Organizing Committee, and one can not use any contents in the proceedings without permission. When authors of the proceedings use figures and tables in their proceedings paper for their corresponding JJAP special-issue (Ultrasonic Electronics) paper, the authors can use them without permission. In this case, however, the authors have to cite the proceedings paper in their JJAP special-issue paper.