JJAP Papers
Those who submit a manuscript to the Japanese Journal of Applied Physics (JJAP) Special Issue should do so via the Web-based system by November 18, 2011.
The address for the submission to the Special Issue is different from that for usual issues and is given below.
Please do not submit your manuscript to the usual issues.
Guidelines of JJAP
- 1. Guidelines of JJAP
a. The paper submitted for the special issue should not be identical to the proceedings paper distributed during the conference. The content of the paper should be original.
b. The submitted paper will be reviewed on the basis of the JJAP standards for an original paper. Not all papers submitted will necessarily be accepted in the final review.
c. If the manuscript is not accepted for publication in the special issue by the deadline for the final revision, the review will be aborted. However, the manuscript can be newly submitted to usual issues of JJAP.
d. The authors of invited papers are also welcome to submit their presentations as a review paper, which will be reviewed on the basis of the JJAP standards for a review paper.
- 2. Instructions, submission guidelines and publication charges
Instructions (http://jjap.ipap.jp/pdf/instruction_e.pdf)
Submission guidelines (http://jjap.ipap.jp/special/submission.html)
Publication charges (http://jjap.ipap.jp/special/index.html)
Please access the Web-based submission system for JJAP Special Issue -- UltraSonic Electronics shown below and follow the instructions.
About USE Special Issue
To fully exploit the past achievements in this field published in the JJAP Special Issue -Ultrasonic electronics, as well as to provide appropriate evidence for the novelty and originality of the new contribution, authors are advised to cite many references from the Special Issue. In particular, the latest achievements published in.
- JJAP, Vol.49, No.7 (2010) 07HA01-1`07HG16-5
- JJAP, Vol.50, No.7 (2011) 07HA01-1`07HG09-6
are expected to be most closely related to new contributions.
A JJAP online search is provided by IPAP
Lists of tables of contents for previous Special Issues of ultrasonic electronics in JJAP
can be accessed