Instructions for speakers
- Presentation Time Slot
Contributed Presentations: Presentation (10 min.) + Q&A (5 min). = 15 min.
Invited Presentations: Presentation (40 min.) + Q&A (10 min.) = 50 min.
- Presenters should wait at seats at the left corner of the front line in the main conference room before the beginning of the presenting session.
- Presenters should upload your presentation materials using a USB memory in advance to the Windows PC set up on the presentation stage.
- If presenters are willing to use their own PCs for the presentation, they should check whether they work properly with a projector with the D-sub mini 15-pin connector in advance, say during the intermission. We will not extend the allocated time slot even if your presentation will be delayed by any projector problems.
We do not prepare special connectors for a MAC PC.
- Poster display
One poster board is allocated to each presentation. The maximum size of the poster is 900 mm in width and 1600 mm in height. Please include your paper title, author's name(s) and affiliation(s) at the top of the poster.
- Attendance at your poster
Two hours are given to each poster presentation. Poster presenters with odd (or even) poster numbers are required to defend their posters during the first (or last) one hour of the allocated poster session. Please check the poster board number given to each poster board. Paper without attendance will be regarded as no-show paper and removed from the web version of the proceedings.
- Display time
Posters are allowed to be mounted on the poster boards during the following period. Posters should be removed until the end of the period.
If not, remaining posters will be removed by the organizing committee.
Session 1P@
Session 2P@
Session 3P@
*Time slot will be announced after the program is fixed.
- Map of Poster Session