Instructions for Speakers and Chairpersons
For speakers
For poster presentations
The maximum size of the poster panel is 1200mm high ~ 841mm wide as shown in the photograph below. Please include the paper title, author name(s) and affiliation(s), with a large point size at the top of the display. During the session, please stand in front of your poster to discuss with participants.
We cannot offer power supply for PCs and other electric equipments.
Instruction for Oral Presentations,
The total time for a regular talk is 15 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions.The total time for an invited talk is 50 minutes, including 10 minutes for questions.
*Please introduce yourself to the session chair prior to your session.
*20 minutes prior to the start of your session, please come to the left wing of the stage, shown as symbol in the map below.
*Use your own laptop for the presentation. Only a digital projector (an LCD projector with a D-sub15 connector) will be provided. Before the session, please connect your laptop and check your presentation using the preliminary LCD projector placed at the place.
Instruction for poster presentations
The maximum size of the poster panel is 1200 mm high x 841 mm wide.
Please put up your poster 60 minutes before the start of your poster session.
The assigned space for your poster is indicated on the map at the entrance of the poster session room. The core time (the first half or the last half of whole session time) for each presentation is also indicated. During this core time, you are requested to do poster presentation in front of your poster. If you are not present in front of your poster during this core time, the committee regards the presentation withdrawn.